And each Christmas in succession teaches me this:
From the success of the hidden birth of the mightiest King on Earth ever in existence we can deduce that the most helpless have an honored place in the kingdom of God. And that though others would see dirty animals and straw, we know that there is peace and safety in the glory that shines upon the hay.
I work and create and drive and care and love just as hard as I possibly can, but find in the end I can be one of the most helpless. And He says, "You don't have to be anything more than what I've made you to be. Already you are my creation."
I have prayed and prayed and prayed for one thing for Christmas for my boys. Many Christmases I have prayed. These prayers seemed to move so slow, like... driftwood in a lazy river -- water getting into the holes and weighing down the dreams, to what seemed like, beyond hope, beyond finances, beyond my means -- slowing down to an eternity the wait for what I've wanted for so long.
But this year God answered my prayers in a way that could only be Him. And though I'd only asked for one, He gave me two.

I kneel down and praise the God that gives me the desires of my heart because I delight in Him. His mightiness right now is in the tears that fall down my face. He is reminding me, once again, that His purpose will come to fruition, and that He has entrusted to me three of His children for a reason.
Special thanks to Chris Alvarado of Driftwood Guitars for making our Christmas a most memorable one, and for being the worker in answer to my driftwood prayers.
Also, thank you to the many good people at the Worship on the Water Church at the Flora-Bama for helping me stay on the road, and for the many gifts that will help my boys' eyes light up this Christmas morning.
My love to all of you. May God richly bless to your lives a hundred fold, and may your spirits Float this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas.
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